Sunday, June 9, 2013
Tips On How To Keep Your Natural Beauty
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but there are many things you can do to improve what they see. There are a number of products you can use for both your face and body. Keep in mind that beauty is about your personality and attitude as well. This article will give you some great tips to help you look more beautiful. Practice regular facial exfoliation! Exfoliating your face takes off the top layer of dead skin cells, revealing the smoother, healthier skin underneath. If your facial skin is especially dry, you can exfoliate a few times a week. Your face will feel much smoother and oil will not build up as much. No matter what your skin looks and feels like, it is important to wash your face at least once a day. Whatever you do, always remember to fully remove your makeup before you start your cleaning regimen. If you don't, you may end up with acne or clogged pores. Be sure to exfoliate your face on a regular basis. If your skin is dry or highly sensitive, you can exfoliate your face anywhere from one to three times per week; any less and you are missing out on an opportunity to reveal healthy skin cells underneath the top layer. Doing so will give your face a healthy glow, and keep oils and dirt from building up. If you want your skin to keep looking great, stay hydrated over the course of your day. Without sufficient water, your skin can become dull and wrinkled. You can combat this problem by making sure you drink at least eight glasses of water each day. You can always add a hint of lime or lemon to make the water tastier. This will dramatically improve your skin. When it comes to your eyes, bring out those beautiful baby blues and grays by using eyeshadow in colors like apricot, copper, and yellowish golds. In addition, define your eyes with mascara and eyeliner in dark browns that have a slight purple or red tint. Those colors help blues to stand out. Now you know some of the things you may be interested in learning about at your local department store. Its a great way to discover the newest techniques and products offered. Apply what you've just read and your next visit will be a success. You'll leave the store victorious.